I had a referral sent to him In December but the office said he’s not doing Eagles anymore. I tried to have them send him a message just to verify because I heard he just did one in December. Well they said that they won’t send him a message because they know he’s not doing it. I just need to find out if he’s doing it or not because if he’s not then I need to give up on trying to see him… I am worsening by the day and I’m too unwell to drive to any of the other ones. I am in Texas and Dr. Nurse is only six hours away as opposed to Hackman who is 12 hours. I actually had an appointment with Hackman today but a few days ago I got extremely dizzy like I’m drunk on a boat so I had to reschedule because there’s no way I can make it! I did have a previous surgery in August which left me with facial paralysis and 0.5cm left. So I just don’t wanna go through this surgery again unless the entire styloid’s going to be removed because I think my compression is at the base of the skull. If anyone knows any info on Dr.Nuss or how to send him a message to ask, please let me know. Thank you🥰
So sorry that you’re still having trouble getting in touch with Dr Nuss, I hope you’re able to get a definitive answer soon…And such a shame that you couldn’t see Dr Hackman after all, I hope that perhaps you can reschedule it. Dr Cognetti or Dr Samji do telephone appts, would that be an option for you at all? I don’t know if you’d then be able to fly for surgery if they could help?
I’m sorry your symptoms are still so bad. I sent a message to @Calebp & am hoping he answers. I sent you some suggestions in another message. I hope you have some better days so you can see Dr. Hackman. He might be your best bet at this point. What a frustrating situation for you. I wish there was something more we could do to help. I will let you know if I hear anything.
Are you calling the office? And Dr Hernandez I believe does them and he works with Dr Nuss. Dr Nuss is kinda a big deal at that hospital and cancer center. He is like head of surgery or something like that. So he may be hard to get a hold of. But he is a super nice guy though. Try calling and asking if you can still be seen by him and get him to refer you to his partner that does them more often. I believe Hernendez does external approach as well.
Thank you so much. I was wondering if I get a referral to him for something else and then just talk to him about eagles when I come lol I wouldn’t mind going to Hernandez but I haven’t heard anything about him yet. Has anyone gotten successful surgery with? Thank you for your help
I was told I couldn’t fly because of my intracranial pressure so that’s why I’m trying to get a virtual for the first one that way I only have to drive once for surgery. Driving once for surgery is OK because after surgery, I would be resting in a hotel for days. Thank you for telling me about the other ones that do virtual. I can definitely look into those. I miss being able to just get on a plane. The last time I flew I was severely dizzy for weeks. So the doctor told me not to fly until I get everything situated with my health. Never in 1 million years did I think I would have to drive far lol I miss airplanes To say the least lmao thank you for your help!
It really has been hard to get someone out of state. I see other people do it easily lol I felt like I was doing something wrong but I realized it’s just my health mainly. I just need to get a virtual for the first one and I will be golden ! Thank you. I appreciate everything
Casey -
I like your thoughts about getting a referral to Dr. Nuss for something else then asking him about ES while you’re there. Sometimes we need to be a bit conniving to get what we want/need. With the flack you’ve gotten from his front office, that might be the best way to “get your foot in the door” though I understand you are hoping for the initial appt to be virtual. I don’t think Dr. Nuss does virtual appts though. So sorry!!