Hey everyone , I’m new here and want to thank you in advance for anyone who takes the time to read this or help me / guide me in the right direction. The whole “doctors not knowing much HBS and ES” is why I’m here as I feel like it is something every doctor I go to is missing or not even considering.
I’d like to share with you my story if you don’t mind and see if any of you think its potentially HBS or ES, if it is I am willing to fly to any of the doctors this site recommends to have the surgery as it as so deeply affected my life to the point where I’ve developed severe anxiety and can barely go out anymore because of it. I firmly believe I’m having HBS that is causing muscle / nerve issues or affecting my vagus nerve but let me know your thoughts…
So here is my story and all the symptoms I suffer
For me this globus / gagging + clicking sensation that only happens on the right side of my throat started randomly when I was 14 years old during a soccer game. I started gagging for no reason at all while playing and fast forward 20 years later I still have it and it only got worse as I got older. What’s so weird is prior to this “event” I never had this issue, it’s like it occurred over night. Here are my exact symptoms
- Constant gagging sensation right side of throat (tightness)- Symptoms gets worse with stress or anxiety/any emotion or even just talking for to long.
- Symptoms worsen with heavy physical activity (working out / sports / lifting things / etc)
- Lack of sleep or being tired makes it 10x worse / However good sleep makes it 10x better
- Everyday fluctuates, there is no consistency in this thing
- Caffeine makes it worse (but not all the time, some days it doesn’t even affect me)
- Talking for long periods of time without chewing on a mint or drinking something is impossible (because if I don’t ill gag)
- Throat clicks on the right side where this globus is felt when I dry swallow or turn my head to the right- When eating / drinking / chewing the sensation is relieved (especially mints or gum)
- When I swallow food its a struggle on the right side (same where there is clicking)
- Globus sensation / tightness where the “clicking” is happening (sometimes the click is painful like a sharp feeling)
- Sometimes if I yawn to hard it feels like the hyoid snaps out of place and hurts so bad I have snap it back in by putting my chin down to my chest
- The clicking only happens when I turn to the right or dry swallow, I can also make it click just by simply placing my fingers on my throat and moving it back n forth.
- Xanax Helps It (this is the ONLY medication that has helped. I’ve tried every medicine you can think of and this is the only one that supplies a bit of relief)
- about 15-20 min after eating any food it gets worse + throat feels heavy and full.
- Strong alcohol helps
- Sensation is there all the time , it’s just more “tamed” when emotions aren’t involved. Emotions like excitement, anxiety, happiness, sad, etc. all affect it.
The best way to put this is that it almost feels like if the muscle (or hyoid bone?) is being used at all, it just spasms or tightens. I know that this is cricopharyngeal spasms but there is no definitive or underlying cause of what is causing it. I have done the following so far
- CT Scan (when they took my CT scan they had me laying down and swallow, but the clicking doesn’t happen when I lay down. They should have taken the CT scan in a neutral position and had me cause the clicking but they didn’t so I feel they missed it)
- X-Ray
- Endoscopy
- Barium Swallow
All which came back normal, which is the same for all these stories I read…everyone gets a million tests done but everything shows “normal” but this is the complete opposite of normal. To shut down the “anxiety” theory that all doctors seem to resort to, this happens when I am not anxious. The best way to shut down the anxiety theory is let me put it like this
Anxiety is brought on by the feeling, the feeling isn’t brought on by anxiety. (anxiety just heightens it)
It’s like having a bruise on your arm , then someone comes up and punches the bruise. The bruise was always there but the feeling got worse cause someone punched it. The punch is the anxiety, the bruise is the globus. The problem is I have no idea how the bruise got there in the first place!
The sensation is only heightened by my emotions and that goes for other emotions as well, not just anxiety. If I am excited about something, afraid, sad or anything it causes the sensation to get worse but the sensation is always there regardless just tamed. The hardest part about this problem is its inconsistencies. Let me give you an example of what I mean:
If I had 2 days back to back where I did the exact same things as in got the same amount of sleep, ate the same foods , went out to the same places, etc. one day the sensation would be 10x worse then the other for NO REASON its as if this problem has a mind of its own.
I just find that there HAS TO BE something going on with the right side of my throat. The fact that the globus sensation is coming from where I’m feeling the “clicking” can’t just be a “coincidence”.
I really would love to hear any of your thoughts, money isn’t an issue for me so if I have to get surgery or go somewhere to have this fixed, I’m fully committed because I’m at my wits end and in a desperate position now. It has affected my life way to much.
Note: I would like to say that I know that my symptoms are identical to that of cricopharangyeal spasms but I’m curious if something is going on with my hyoid bone on the right side that is causing them , like compression on the vagus nerve cause I know the vagus nerve is the mother of crico spasm.