I would like to know how many of you have acid reflux and Eagle Syndrome? Do you believe Eagle Syndrome contributes to acid reflux? Did your symptoms get better or worst after ES surgery?
I had external surgery two months ago to reduce my right styloid. After surgery, I developed silent reflux. I do not have any heart burn. However, I have a daily burning sensation at the back of my throat, lump sensation in throat and difficulty swallowing. Also, I cough up yellow (bile) mucus that also leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. I never had acid reflux or any of these symptoms prior to surgery. I am completely perplex how I developed such a horrible condition after surgery. I am wondering if my vagus nerve got compressed during the surgery. Would this cause acid reflux? If so, once the nerves settle down will the acid reflux go away?
Any feedback you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I am having a difficult time with the acid reflux symptoms because neither dietary changes and medication seem to be working. I am praying that the acid reflux goes away soon.
Hope- really sorry that you're suffering like this after surgery. Emma posted a discussion quite a while ago (acid reflux and Eagles Syndrome)- you could look at her post, but there were no replies to that either! But it might help to message Emma and see what helped her etc. Good luck- thinking of you.
I never suffered. Not even when I was pregnant. But when ES came into the picture, I started to notice it. I also noticed hoe many ESers were misdiagnosed as just having Gerd. I think something there is connected but I don’t have a clue how. Hopefully if they are connected, yours will settle down.
I have yet to have ES surgery but I have LPR (throat reflux) and possibly gerd. The thing is, you were on pain meds and they as well as ibuprofin can cause stomach irritation and that in turn turns into heartburn. I know for me, even muscle relaxers gives me heartburn.
Here's another take on your reflux: My sister had a chronic cough for years. She saw several doctors over time including several allergists & finally a pulmonologist. Along the way, one of the doctors prescribed prescription strength antacids & told her the cough was due to gerd. The antacids helped briefly but the cough came back. It was a puzzle for every doctor she saw as nothing seemed to make it go away for the long term and the scans of her lungs were clear. Near the end of last summer, she was diagnosed as having a hiatus hernia. She had it repaired & her cough was gone immediately and has not returned. I am not suggesting that this is your case, but it might be worth looking into this as hiatus hernias do cause reflux symptoms. It's possible that if you have something like that, the stress of the ES surgery simply intensified your latent symptoms making the reflux much more obvious to you.
The vagus nerve affects heart function so is most unlikely the culprit for your current problem. I do hope your reflux symptoms abandon you quickly and that you find solutions that help you feel more comfortable in the meantime. I will pray for you to discover the cause of this and for a rapid recovery from it.
Thank you Jules, Ivy, Lisa and Isaiah for responding.
I have an appointment in July with a GI specialist. The doctor is going to scope me to find out what is causing my acid reflux. One of the things that they are going to check for is the hiatus hernia.
Glad to hear it, Hope. I will pray that the cause is very clear and easily treatable.
Hope said:
Thank you Jules, Ivy, Lisa and Isaiah for responding.
I have an appointment in July with a GI specialist. The doctor is going to scope me to find out what is causing my acid reflux. One of the things that they are going to check for is the hiatus hernia.
Well, I managed to get an earlier GI appointment to have my stomach scoped. The end result is that there is nothing wrong with my stomach. The doctor told me that I do not have acid reflux and I no longer need to take the medication. Although, this is great news, it doesn’t solve my problem. It almost three months since my surgery and my tongue and throat continue to burn, especially after eating. I questioned the GI specialist about the burning and told he told me he does not know what is causing the burning. He suggested that I go back and see the surgeon. My taste buds are off at times and the right side of my throat is sore inside, even though my surgery was external. The lump sensation at back of my throat has improved and my swallowing is better, but not as effortless as it was before my surgery.
Did any one experience any type of burning throat and tongue symptoms after surgery? Is this due to the surgeon moving around nerves to get to the styloid?