Lightheadedness is back

Anyone with Vascular ES have their lightheadedness come back roughly 5 days post surgery?

Yes I had bad head symptoms in first week or 2 Post surgery. Fir me was due to post op swelling trapping blood in my head again. Bit better now at weeks 3-4 but not 100% resolved as still healing. D

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Ok good so it might be normal. I have noticed the swelling is worse then the lightheadedness came back. I appreciate your response

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I had lightheadedness the first week after surgery and then maybe once after that. I only had it in the morning. The past week I haven’t had any issues.


It is normal @Tvitek. Your pre-op symptoms are likely to come & go for quite awhile as you heal. They will ultimately go away but it can take some months. Vascular & nerve healing is a slow process & requires patience & listening to your body i.e. rest when it asks, stop doing when things get uncomfy & relax for a bit. That’s very key to a quicker recovery. It’s very easy to start pushing physically once symptoms begin to go away & that often causes a flare up. Ease back into your activities w/ “baby steps”.


I know it’s worrying when you think a symptom has gone but as @Isaiah_40_31 says it’s very normal after this surgery for them to come & go, sometimes slowly so you barely notice! Take care of yourself :hugs:


I didn’t have lightheadedness necessarily but I felt very strange almost like I was on drugs/impaired (when I definitely wasn’t.) It was a weird spacey feeling, noticed it more when I was driving. It cleared up after a few weeks. I attributed it to pressures going back to normal in my head due to my vein being fully open. Should get better! Hang in there!


That’s exactly how I feel

Just after my surgery it felt like I was on an aeroplane changing altitude when I walked, but that has gone now. Brain/vestibular system still feels abnormal but I am hoping that in time things will settle. Fact aeroplane issue has gone gives me hope things will improve more with time. D