Surgery with Dr. Samji is scheduled for Monday, November 11th at 8:30 am. I fly into San Jose with my lovely wife (who we just celebrated our 19th anniversary yesterday!!! Yeah!!!) We will stay Sunday night through Friday morning when he will discharge me to fly back home to Spokane.
Not getting my hopes up, as I do not want to be let down. I have had so many red herrings along the way.........different meds, surgeries that were unnecessary, etc that I am trying to keep it very low key.
I would "pay it forward" to this site if I am have my word :o)
btw.........Yes Tee, I will ask for the tusks in a Jar. Maybe I can sell them on EBAY and make some money out of this whole thing.
Wish me luck and a couple of prayers would not hurt either :o)
Hey, fantastic!!!! I think this is going to fix you - I really do. It will take a while to heal from the surgery, so you might not feel so great for a while, but then I think you're going to have relief. Best of luck!!!
EEEk! haha! I can't wait...! I understand being so cautious, but the rest of us will go ahead and get excited for you! This better be the fix of all fixes, dangit!!!!!
Does anyone else ever feel like "This is my life......this is what I am resigned to live"? After so long of being sick (going on 7 years or so)......of just plain feeling like shit 24/ start to think that this is what your destiny is???
Very sad to feel this way, I must admit. I had never even had a sprained ankle until I got this shit 7 years ago........and then the "fun" times began.
I must admit.......I cannot even picture post op 1 month later and feeling better. You get let down so many times that you feel like you are just going through the motions with treatment.
I don't know why.......but this one feels a little different. :o)
My heart of heart tells me that there has to be some type of connection / instigator when you have a 55mm thick styloid on both sides. It tells me that it COULD BE causing some of my Neuro issues........but again, I fall into that trap of not wanting to get my hopes up.
You guys can get your hopes up for me. I need it.....I really do. I take care of transplant patients everyday and , frankly, I am just losing my energy to care for patients anymore.
I need a break.......I am not even talking a 100% cure. I am not that greedy. Just a better quality of life is what I am looking for.
Alright.......there's my sob sorry for the night........positve thoughts my way, I have fu##### earned them!!! :o)
Peace to all and prayers for my new found friends
Wow! I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have felt and still feel that way. I am on the same roller coaster......I get fired up and excited of finally get some hope of getting the answer. Only to feel defeated and exhausted that it didn't work. This is all hitting close to home for me this week as I have my appt. tomorrow with Dr. Samji.
Never getting a break from the symptoms is definitely the hardest part. I have had so many people say "You just need a vacation. You need to go somewhere you can relax" There is NO vacation when your symptoms are with you 24/7. You just have different scenery!! I actually had someone tell me earlier this week that I just needed to get tougher.......
My blood has been boiling ever since. I read a saying that keeps me strong when I have to endure this type of ignorance..........
Before you start to judge me, step into my shoes and walk the life I'm living and if you get as far as I am, just maybe you will see how strong I really am.
Anyone that has been dealing with chronic health problems is wayyyyyyy stronger than people realize!!
Even when it brings you to the lowest point and feel like you can't take one more day of this crap!! Don't give up hope and don't give in!!
Whew!! Sorry.... can you tell I am still fired up?!