Opinions on my scans and images please

Haha you cracked the code :face_with_peeking_eye:. Good to know I will have to fix this


Good grief! That definitely doesnā€™t sound fun, especially since lying down at all triggers my symptoms and moving my head into those positions also triggers it, sometimes severely. And the kaleidescope thing would be a bit creepy. :grimacing::grimacing:

Thank you for explaining all of it and also thank you for that very cool image and explanation about the transverse sinus. I appreciate all your help so much!


@GCD it was like level 1 or 2 in notpron :laughing:

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I had to look up notpron. I thought you had a typo. Really surprised Iā€™ve never heard of it or donā€™t remember hearing of it at least.


I remember spending long hours trying to solve the puzzles there when I was younger. Good for improving lateral thinking and creativity, not mentioning that it really can teach one to be very patient and attentive to details


It wasnā€™t fun, but donā€™t let me scare you, it really wasnā€™t that bad. Itā€™s a crucial step to pin point the cause for your symptoms. Especially since we can see multiple areas of concern.

I am super happy for you making headway and were able to find someone locally (or the backup in AZ) that can do this type of testing :slight_smile:. I look forward to hearing what the specialists say and the results of their testing.

Also thanks for sharing your story and scans as you are already helping others find a path to the treatment they need. I have a feeling there are many more cases out there just like yours and @Sonoran_Sunset that will stumble across this forum.



Thank you for encouraging me and being so supportive! Iā€™m looking forward to posting more info as soon as I have any!

Today my docor had to put me on a diuretic because sleeping upright for so long has caused my legs and feet to keep swelling off and on, and recently it got bad enough that the fluid went in my lungs a couple different times. So frustrating because my heart and kidneys are checking out fine so far, but Iā€™m simply never able to lie down to let my fluids balance out.

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May suggest a good compression socks. Aim for shoe size range that span from smaller size to your shoe size at max. For example if you wear 9 1/2, you should aim for shoe size range if 7 1/2 to 9 1/2. They usually exert pressure gradient of 15 to 20 mmHG which is good enough to open the valves of the leg veins move blood up.

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Thank you so much! I actually had been wearing some consistently but I became lazy about it recently. But now that I know itā€™s kind of serious and fluid is building up to the point of going in my lungs, I will start wearing them again daily.

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Thinking of you, thatā€™s rough :pray: :hugs:

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I took the strong diuretic for one day and my swelling went down enough that my doctor wanted to switch me to a safer longterm diuretic. Well, I googled it and it seems like a nasty drug to be on and can even cause kidney failure. I used my own judgment and decided not to take it for now since Iā€™m young-ish and my heart and kidneys are perfectly fine. I decided to go the more natural route so I googled natural diuretics and saw hibiscus on the list, which I happened to have. So today I ate a few slices of watermelon and drank a glass of strong, pure Hibiscus tea and wow! It worked insanely better than the ā€œstrongā€ diuretic they gave me. I just wanted to share that here in case it can help anyone. Just make sure to replenish your electrolytes, especially potassium throughout the day. Dried fruits, potatoes, and beans are good sources. But man, I feel 10 pounds lighter and my clothes even fit looser now! I had no idea I was holding onto so much water! No wonder Iā€™ve been so uncomfortable!


Great that youā€™ve found a natural solution, thank you for sharing that! Hope you continue to keep less waterlogged! :hugs:


So great to lose weight & inches so easily! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But seriously, Im glad youā€™re feeling better in that regard. I also have to play the ā€œwater gameā€ w/ my body. Really glad to know about the hibiscus tea! Thanks for the tip @BlacknBlueSaint. :hugs:

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