Question for those with military/straight neck (loss of cervical lordosis)

It was quite fun to go back and re-read my old posts from two years ago…

So I expressed a wish to have a flexible skeleton model at hand to show what I meant. And, as the time went, I found one (see a few posts above).

Over those few years, my understanding of biodynamics kept improving and changing, but the main point is that I find more and more convincing that all the biomechanics might contribute to not only Eagle’s syndrome (which is SYMPTOMATIC elongated styloid processes/calcifications, as opposed to ASYMPTOMATIC ones), but a lot of other rare and common conditions, including TOS, C5/6/7 intervertebral disc issues, neck and shoulder stiffness, AC and GH joint degeneration, and a zillion of other things… I wish I knew about these things a decade or so ago… Our bodies are so interesting and so sophisticated, though lot of us tend to ignore it and use our bodies only for very basic movements… It’s like having a Swiss knife and using it only to peel apples.