Really good news that you’re going to have surgery soon! I don’t think you’re alone in being worried about anesthesia, I’m sure most of us have had that thought about not waking up…but as TheDude says, they are safer these days.
TheDude’s also given you some good advice, I’d suggest getting smoothies/ soft foods ready (not sure where you’ll be staying, if that’ll be possible?) as quite a few of us have had trouble chewing and opening our mouths wide after surgery.
One of our members, seamom, did a ‘surgery shopping list’ with suggestions, here’s a link:
Surgery shopping list - General - Living with Eagle
I’d suggest getting some laxatives ready or prunes/ figs, whatever you prefer, as some of the painkillers can cause constipation. Some members have been wary of washing their hair because of the wound, so you could get some dry shampoo to keep you going.
And if you use the search function to look for what to expect after surgery, there are lots of topics about that you can get ideas from, & get prepared.
I hope that your surgery goes well!