Surgery scheduled 7/9/24 Louisville

I have surgery scheduled with Dr. Tennant at Norton’s in Louisville for July 9, 2024. I am hoping and praying that we can add a new doc to the list.

This may be the first time of having any surgery that I don’t get a horrible lack of caffeine headache beforehand. I admit it, I am a caffeine addict! Norton Hospital practices ERAS (I had never heard of it so I’ll explain a little), stands for Enhanced Recovery After Surgery. So, I have been instructed to drink 10 oz of Gatorade - no red, orange or purple at 8:00 pm and another 10 oz. at 10:00 pm the night before. No food after midnight, but, can have clear liquids up to an hour before scheduled time for arrival at hospital (black coffee is considered a clear liquid!) an hour before arriving at hospital supposed to take 1000 mg of tylenol and another 10 oz of Gatorade. I’m scheduled to be at the hospital at 10am, I think they don’t put a time on surgery though - which is fine - except for colonoscopy nothing is ever on schedule :slight_smile:

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Great news, I hope that your surgery goes well! Interesting the ERAS protocol, you’ll have to let us know how that goes…will be praying for a successful surgery :hugs: :pray:

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Thanks Jules!

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So glad that your surgery is scheduled. I hope that everything goes well. It sounds great that the hospital is taking a proactive approach with the ERAS protocol. The hospital where I just had my surgery required a pre-surgical evaluation about 10 days before the surgery and gave some recommendations, but not quite as detailed a protocol as yours. It would be nice to be able to add another doc to the list as well. I hope that you have a successful surgery and quick recovery!


I’m excited for you @GiGi1965! I’ll put your surgery date on my calendar so I can pray for you that day in particular.

Thank you for giving us another name to consider. We’ll be happy to add Dr. Tennatn to our list as soon as we know you’ve had a good surgical outcome. I’m glad you found someone in your own state that you feel comfortable having do your surgery. I also think the ERAS protocol sounds great! I would agree that perhaps part of feeling lousy after a surgery is the dehydration that we suffer from not being able to drink anything for so many hours prior. I will also be very interested to know if the Gatorade & Tylenol help you feel better sooner after surgery.


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Thanks! I always covet prayers! I was so excited to hear about the ERAS protocol…