Hello all! My name is Jenny. I’m from NC and have been fighting to find answers to some medical mysteries since at least 6/2022. I haven’t fought for nearly as long as some of you. Gosh I admire your stick-to-itiveness! I fought as hard as I could. After the first round of tests and imaging, they ruled out MS and essentially told me it was either psychological or CRPS. I kept fighting for more labs and tests. Nothing. Then in August of 2024, I had a wild experience that almost led to me passing out. I travel a lot for work and was in Dallas. I was in an elevator, turned to my left to say good morning to someone, and felt an intense rush of pain and heat from the top of my head all the way down to my left thumb. Needless to say- I was frozen in pain for the next two days. I couldn’t look up or down, couldn’t turn my head from side to side. It was miserable. Prednisone was called in so I could get on the plane to head home. Thankfully it helped enough for me to get home. I went to a few months of PT and nothing helped. I asked for a consult with a new neurologist. He mentioned TOS, SFN and ES. He quickly had me checked for TOS. That was negative. The vascular surgeon recommended I see an ENT. Luckily, Dr. Hackman is only 1.5 hours away. I saw him a little over three weeks ago and I’m scheduled for surgery Monday. I’ll be having a unilateral styloidectomy on my left side. My situation is not that my left styloid is long, but I have military neck and the angle of the styloid combined with the lack of curvature in my spine are the suspected cause of many of my issues. I’m on so much medication and in so much discomfort. I’m really hopeful for Monday and the months of recovery ahead.
My symptoms have been all over the place. Here are some of them:
Pain from base of skull to chest
Stabbing pain from top of head to heart
Left shoulder pain
Right hand numbness fingertips
Left arm pain
Numbness-left hand-middle-thumb
Right foot numbness
Left foot numbness
Left hand numbness
Left hand pain
Neck pain
Chest pain
Jaw pain
Facial numbness
Difficulty swallowing
“Pledge of allegiance” pain
Eyes burn
Dry eyes
Heat in feet
Cold in fingers
Heat in knees
Ice cold feet & hands
Right foot 22 degrees hotter than left
Blurred vision (with glasses on)
Dry mouth
Night sweats
Loss of bladder control (1x)
Bowel ileus
Difficulty concentrating
Brain fog
Our guess is that I have a few things going on. If that’s the case, I’m looking forward to making off some of these symptoms and continuing the journey to get healthy.
Sooooooooo- I’d love your tips for surgery day and post-op. I’m self-employed which is a blessing and a curse in this situation. I definitely tend to over do it but my husband and my team are going to make sure I don’t rush my recovery. I’ve ordered the wedge pillow set, a bed desk/tray, silicone scar strips (vanity never sleeps), ice packs, grippy socks, protein shakes and soft foods. I’m updating my Nintendo Switch just in case I am stuck in bed at all (yes, I’m a 47 year old woman who still enjoys Super Mario on occasion). What am I missing???
Sorry for the novel! If you’re still reading this, thank you for your time and any advice you can give. I’m ready to move forward through 2025 with a few less annoying and painful symptoms.