Visual snow symptom

Has anyone here had a symptom of visual snow & had surgery & its gone away? Would love to hear from you. Thanks.

Also interested…

Do you also have visual snow?

We’ve had a number of members who had IJV compression as part of their ES problems & visual snow was a symptom. I believe that symptom went away for most if not all of them. I’m sorry no one w/ experience has answered you yet.

You can use the magnifying glass icon to search for posts where visual snow is mentioned. Just type “visual snow” in the search box.


Thank you mate that gives me some confidence that hopefully itll go away after all this is sorted out.

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I also just found out i have a tooth infection aswell that i didnt even know i had. Wouldnt be helping the situation.


Also do majority of people get surguries here or can injections clear up some symotoms for some people?

I’d be interested to know how it was found…

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@Liam, the steroid injections can help some people, but they don’t help everyone. It’s not something that can be done over & over again, there’s a limit to how many times you can have them even if they do work. So quite alot of members on here do end up getting surgery.

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I also have visual snow as part of my symptom set.

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Yes I do. Hoping it will go when the venous outflow issues are improved!