3D From CT


When he suggested that we could start look into trigeminal neuralgia , it gets you going and thinking in the right direction :ok_hand:

Infact trigeminal neuralgia is a symptom off ES if im not wrong.


And that also is a bit of catch 22. Elongated styloid processes may cause (carotid) arterial dissection, leading to stroke, so there is a significant risk in doing yoga/stretches/physiotherapy. But without doing it, how one knows if their issues are possible to fix or not with physiotherapy approach?

For the record, before learning about ES, I lived quite long time with mild chronic neck pain that would get better with physiotherapy and then get worse again, as I was able to see my long styloids in panoramic dental x-ray pictures since at least late 2013. But because nobody knew about ES around, and because doctors kept telling itā€™s muscle tension because of desk job (even ignoring the fact that I was quite into casual exercising and and relatively fit), Iā€™d just go to physiotherapist, get better, and believed it was ā€œmuscle tensionā€. And it was all somewhat good till the very last days of 2019, so at least six years, till the neurological symptoms hit me. Who knows, maybe I got a TIA, or the bad ā€œseasonal virusā€ affected the conditionā€¦ But that was the event that turned my ES from ā€œsome discomfortā€ into ā€œfull blown neurological conditionā€. Since then typical mainstream physiotherapy (when you go to the physiotherapist and do some exercise from his/her physiotherapy school programme) stopped working. Eventually I learned a bit more specific cues, and they helped again, but the journey was long and painful. I literally needed to re-learn how to sit, walk, lie and stand. None of these things are comfortable 100% yet, but itā€™s a marathon, not a sprint.


One of many possible symptoms. Not necessarily everyone with ES has TN, but I think e.g. Mr Axon now states that ES symptoms he operates on is compatible with glossopharyngeal neuralgia, and/or pulsating whooshing tinnitus if I understand the latest developments correctly.


Is it normal doctor,general practitioner , personal doctor or is it primary doctor in english? I see so many prhases for this a bit confused at times.

in Norwegian it is ā€˜ā€˜Fastlegeā€™ā€™ wich directly in english would be ā€˜ā€˜solid doctorā€™ā€™ :joy:


From what I understand, the PCP aka Primary Care Provider is the ā€œmain entry pointā€. Can be either an MD (medical doctor), or a Nurse Practitioner in some cases in Canada (and now more and more often) which is not as qualified as medical doctor but can do a lot, including prescribing medicine, and sending out referrals to other doctors/requisition for lab work/imaging.
Family doctor is a specialty, family doctors study family medicine (like dentists study dentistry, surgeons study surgery).
Primary doctor in this context is likely the same as PCP.
Note, the above is Canadian terminology.

Upd: apparently at least in the USA, an internist (doctor of internal medicine) can also act as a PCP. Also, in some cases General Practitioner (GP) might be less qualified than Family Doctor.

But in general there are multiple options for MDs

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Typically, internal medicine doctors (internists) are the primary care doctors in the US, however, the other specialties like general practitioner/general practice doctors, NPs & some other more general specialties can also be PCPs. We have some PCPs who are naturopathic or functional medicine doctors which means they do more testing to find the causes of symptoms vs just treating symptoms. For example, I see an internist as my PCP but I also occasionally see a functional medicine doctor. When my blood test showed high cholesterol, my internist immediately wanted to prescribe cholesterol medication. I wanted to know why my cholesterol is high because I exercise regularly & eat a healthy diet, so I contacted my functional med doctor who had me get a more specific blood test. It showed the ratio of good to bad cholesterol particles in my blood & determined (not sure how) that my body is over-producing and over-absorbing the cholesterol. With a family history of high cholesterol later in life, I have to chalk it up to heredity, but I needed to know more specifically what was happening inside of me before I was willing to jump into taking a prescription medicine for it.


Very good that Mr. Axon aproves this possibility, as for my primary doctor said that when we were looking at possible ways to tame inflamation, pain etc regarding ES he suggested we could look into nerve medecine to use that is related to glossopharyngeal neuralgia/trigeminal neuralgia.

A whole sandwich list here i see.

I think in Norway, primary doctors/GP has all these options as an specialized education to add to their occupation when they work for the instution, more like a seniority thing.

Like my doctor has been practicing some surgery, and some Anesthesiology and pain management.

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Interesting, @Henrik! Doctors here usually choose their specialty then stick w/ it but grow in education & ability w/in their specialty. There are occasions when a doctor will go back to school to change his/her specialty. For example, my functional medicine doctor was originally a radiologist. She later left that specialty to become a functional medicine physician which in some circles here is considered ā€œquackā€ (false) medicine. She has helped me tremendously in areas my ā€œwestern medicineā€ internal med PCP would never have considered offering tests or treatment for so I donā€™t care what the functional medicine category is considered to be among those who count themselves as ā€œreal doctorsā€.

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Thansk for letting me know how your doctors in your country is running and functions.

There is a bit off a crisis going on in Norway, were doctors from internal medecine wich is specialized in some fields and have alot off ā€˜ā€˜outterā€™ā€™ experience appart from their main field leaving the public healthcare and instead taking jobs at private clinics, as for my ENT doctor who diagnosed me whom left the public healthcare to start his own buiseness.

Also my psychologist left the public healthcare system, he stated that he would never go back.

Itā€™s a shame, because as you mentioned about western medecine and internal PCP.

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So this thread is about to be a little side tracked, i will try to steer it into itsā€™ place again.

We have discussed musculare issues abit, but regarding my issue with C1 and C2. My theory is the same, that it will be resolved with surgical intervention on calcified ligamentum styloideum if however it will not be resolved for some reason, what can be done ?

I suppose that there are physical approaches to this and also surgical approaches, but is there something i can do for myself ? Try out som excersises prehaps? Iknow this is an issue that is best to talk to a psychologist . But i want to hear from your experiences and views.