Advise please

Has anyone else had difficulty riding in the car after surgery? I am 5 weeks out today and the car still really irritates everything. It makes both sides (first side 1/7/19) tight, gives me a bit of head pain and headache. I think the facial nerve is irritated and it tightens the muscles and just spins from there?

Anyway - I would like to take a road trip Wednesday - 7 hours. Thoughts here? Just would hate to make the trip and feel awful after having done it. I can live with not feeling great for 7 hours, but not if it is going to make me sick.

Hi SL!

My surgery was pushed back to Wednesday due to a down nerve monitoring machine…so i might have an idea for you (always a silver lining).
The weakness of your neck muscles don’t have the endurance for the vibrations of the lengthy car ride. Maybe pick up a soft collar at the drug store, ~$15-20 and wear for the ride until you are stronger. But don’t get into the habit of wearing it otherwise as it will turn in to a crutch …and you just got rid of those :joy:
Hope this is helpful :crossed_fingers::purple_heart:

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Thank you:) I really appreciate it and will give it a test run tomorrow.

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Sorry that your surgery has been delayed, even if it is just for a few days! Best wishes for Wednesday! :pray:

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Crossing my fingers that gives you enough stability to endure the drive!!!

One more day! Reminds me of how excited I used to feel when my friends went into labor. Kind of similar - get that baby out!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Thank you :pray:

:sparkles:Grateful it was the machine that broke and not my surgeons :joy:

:sparkles:Grateful that my surgeons did not compromise their integrity for my care and safety :purple_heart:

:sparkles:Grateful for my parents to offer loving respite and housing while I am so far away from home :revolving_hearts:

:sparkles::sparkles::sparkles::pray:Praising God for sending me the miracle of both surgeons being willing and able to add me onto their already packed surgical day tomorrow, OR time and anesthesia availability.

So much to be grateful for :slight_smile: Just have to breathe and be patient


Excellent idea… maybe I should go back to the Bradley breathing method. It’s been 17 years but who ever forgets labor?:joy::rofl:


Oh those pesky post op irritated nerves! Of course this will heal but in the meantime I hope the collar helps. Safe travels.

All the best!



I love the “going into labor” analogy - similar to Braxton Hicks. When that happened to me @ 8 months my OB told me to have a beer and relax.

I hope you can enjoy the day and relax. Sending blessings and hugs your way.



I did Bradley 15 years ago! Husband coached childbirth!!! Same relaxation idea you can use tomorrow! :facepunch:

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Hey! That makes 3 of us! My dad was an OBGYN & he & my stepmom taught the Bradley method. I didn’t live near them when I went through the training, or I would have taken their class!! I ended up opting for Demerol w/ both of my labors anyway…so much for “natural childbirth”. :laughing:

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Lucky you to have started your Braxton Hicks at 8 mos! Mine started at about 3-4 mos w/ my second one. Later than that w/ my first but well before 8 mos. By 8 mos, if I went for a walk, they’d get so bad, I’d have to stop & hang on to a tree or light post till they passed. Ah…the memories of pregnancy…:wink:


Lots of prayers for you tomorrow :pray::pray:


What did you decide?

Thinking of you! Let your mom pamper you for a day or two :heart:

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