So im pretty sure I have Eagles... and I live in South Texas.. im just wondering if anyone can recommenced or can share their experiences Thanks.
I am from Texas and went out of state. There is a Eagle Syndrome Drs list on here. Best advice is finding an experienced ES surgeon. There are so many nerves and vessels around the styloids.
Hi Any I’m looking for a surgeon too, but in Australia. Could you direct me to the list ? New to the page, Cheers
Nani lives in Texas too and she went out of state for her surgery.
I am uploading the latest version of my spreadsheet here. It has not been updated since September. I will be adding a few new doctors who have been mentioned recently, but will not be doing it until late Sept. I have to read through all the discussions of the last 3 months to find the new entries. I originally read all the old discussions and wrote down the names for surgeons that had been recommended because I was looking for one for myself. So here is the spreadsheet, remember those of you who are new and those of you who have posted new names since September, that I will pick them up sometime in January, if God is willing and as they say down south, "the creek don't rise".
427-EaglesSyndromeDoctors.xls (34.5 KB)