Bilateral Intraoral post op day 10

Hi all! Updating on post op day 10. I feel pretty good. Still up and down. I am off prednisone and done with antibiotics. Still taking my Celebrex and Tylenol and icing when needed. I have been eating solid foods for a couple of days but mostly softer foods. My head is clearing from fog. I am still having pounding in my ears especially when I take walks or bend over. The heat isn’t helping either. Having some jaw pain and occasional headaches but nothing extreme like pre surgery. My incisions look ok but at the very back I have a pit like hole on both sides that gather food. I have been rinsing them out with water in a syringe plunger to keep from getting infected but wondering if that’s normal. I have pretty large incisions- 3 or so stitches. Also when did any of you Intraoral folks get your normal voice back? I feel it’s so forced and I sound like I’m talking through my nose and can’t pronounce words properly. I know it’s very early in recovery and I definitely still have swelling but just curious. I see my ENT on the 30th so hopefully I will be much better by then.
Keeping positive!


Thanks for the update! I’m really glad that you’re noticing some benefits of surgery already, & hope that you keep healing…hopefully members who’ve had intraoral surgery will chip in with advice!

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Yes! Your news is good & your attitude is wonderful! :clap: Keeping positive will go far toward helping you heal. The worst part about ES surgery is how slow recovery can seem. Being able to understand that the healing process is quite complex & that nerves take their sweet time to recover, can help you maintain a good attitude about it all. Look for the positive changes in each day, & if there are none (backsliding does occur during healing), know for certain that the good days will be back & will last longer the farther you get into recovery. One day soon all will be well & you’ll be able to enjoy your life fully again.

I can’t comment on the intraoral questions either but do expect some other members will.

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Following your journey. My surgeon wants to do both intraorally too, Wishing you the best in your recovery!


Thank you. Same to you and I will keep updates going throughout this process. So far it’s not as bad as I worked it up to be before hand lol.