Dr Covello in pa

Anyone have any experience with Dr Covello?

@vdm posted a comment about him in this thread: 3 years with possible ES. Tried prolo and upper cervical care but not relief , it is time for a surgery - #5 by Emilio

It’s interesting that he’s not an ENT but a dental surgeon. I would guess based on that information that he does the intraoral approach but it would be worthwhile having an appointment with him to see what you think about his approach & level of experience.

He’s also on our Doctors List: •Dr Paul Covello, Geisinger Wilkes Barre-Dental Surgery, 675 Baltimore Dr., Wilkes Barr, PA,
800-275-4601, https://providers.geisinger.org/provider/Paul+Anthony+Covello/1103033

Hes closer to me than cognetti, and just wates to see what nyones thoughts on him were in the diagnosis approach, i still plan on gokng to my promary doctor but wondering if it would be easier to go to him at this point, in case it is tmj vs eagles.


Do you mind sharing what your symptoms are? If you’ve already done this, I’m sorry to ask you to repeat it. Knowing your major symptoms could be helpful in some of us giving an opinion re: ES vs TMJD.

Under ear pain
Ear fullness and itchy( occasionally)
Jaw pain at jaw joint and or under ear
Teeth/ gums ache top and bottom
Mucus or something caught in throat, varies from place to place sometimes I feel like it’s in my soft pallet, sometimes by my tonsil and sometimes can feel further
Tongue pain down back and side
Roof of mouth is sore as well
Neck pain
Shoulder and upper back pain
Sinus issues
Tired all the time
Tingle under jaw or pulling hard to explain the feeling
Se facial pain
Feels like dry tongue amd tongue to close to teeth or run against them all in right side

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If you compare these symptoms with the info in the Newbies Guide Section, you’ll see that most of them can be down to ES, here’s a link:
ES Information: Common Symptoms And Possible Explanations For Them - Welcome / Newbies Guide to Eagle Syndrome - Living with Eagle
Dr Cognetti is a very experienced ES surgeon, reading your symptoms I don’t think you’d be wasting your time seeing him at all.


I totally agree w/ Jules. With the exception of the jaw joint pain & possibly ear fullness which can be TMJ symptoms, the rest would be more in line w/ ES.