Finding a doctor

I currently live in wisconsin and have had no luck finding a doctor who deals with eagles syndrome. I am so lost at this point and am in so much pain. I don’t know what to do

Nicole, unfortunately, many of us have had to travel out-of-state to find a doctor to treat Eagles. Have you been able to check out the doctors list? There are a couple doctors in Chicago. Dr. Bove at Northwestern has done a number of Eagles surgeries. His partner Dr. Patel did my last surgery. There is an experienced Eagles doctor in Columbus Ohio. If you can travel farther, the two most experienced doctors are Dr Samji in San Jose, CA and Dr. Cognetti in Philadelphia.

I dont know if my medical covers out of state. This is so frustrating

At the very bottom of the doctor list I see two doctor's in Wisconsin - did you try them? I'm trying to decide if I want surgery and with whom too, it is a lot to to handle and figure out. The doctor's offices sure make it difficult too so I understand. I do feel fortunate that my ENT figured out that this is my likely diagnosis and he is at least helping me through this to a certain extent. So I would think any ENT would be willing to at least help you manage your symptoms until you figure out who to have surgery with. However, I'm very new to the site so maybe others have had different experiences. Hope you find some help soon.

Where is this list of Doctors located?

Meman, it’s in the Doctors Info section, under 'Latest Doctors List 2017.
Here’s the link to save you time: Latest Doctors List 2017
There’s a list of USA doctors, and a second list of other countries.