List of my favourite resources on YouTube to learn anatomy

According to this video,

C0/C1 flexion is 10°, extension 17°
C0/C7 flexion is 64°, extension 63°

Which means 27/127 ~= 21% of the whole neck flexion/extension happens at the C0/C1 level.

Might be accurate, though other sources mention up to 50% (

Other sources mention these numbers:

The cervical spine’s range of motion is approximately 80° to 90° of flexion, 70° of extension, 20° to 45° of lateral flexion

Normal flexion to hyperextension at the atlanto-occipital [C0/C1] joint ranges from approximately 15° to 20°

Normal cervical flexion is usually approximately 80º. […] Normal cervical extension is usually 50°. Total range of cervical motion from full flexion to full extension should be 130°

Cervical Lateral Flexion […] Normal flexion from starting point on either side is 45° and the total angle of maximal lateral head flexion should be 90°
(offline copy: ajr.130.2.317.penning-1978-normal-movements-of-the-cervical-spine.pdf (1.3 MB) )

Now, this is getting interesting. It seems C1/C2 also may have significant flexion/extension range.

I will leave it here.

Also, this in particular demonstrates the (approximated) C0/C1 motion

The whole neck flexion/extension