Surfer in a few Hours! MKG BONN GERMANY

Hi Rene!
Could you tell me who your surgeon was?
And get well soon!

Grüße aus München :smiley:

Yes, they are weird. They’ve been compared to elephant tusks (in miniature, of course!). Nice that you got such great pictures! The US docs treat them like they’re toxic & whisk them off to a lab to be checked so it’s hard to get a look at them here (although it may depend on the surgeon). :wink:

Hello Michael,

of course! The Operater was Dr. med. Nils Heim and Dr. Andreas Schön was the assistent.

I think Bochum has a lot of knowlegede, but i tried to contact them 4 Times , but they didnt answer me. Bonn was very fast here and the result seems quite good. If you have any questions i will help you, as good as i can.

Greets from Koblenz René

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Hi Rene,

thanks! I’ll try to contact the clinic in Bonn as fast as possible.
I’ve got an appointment in Bochum on 5 January, but unfortunately they haven’t looked at my CT pictures yet.

Ok, just let them know what is important for you and make your decision.

See ya

How are you feeling right now? Do you feel like the globus sensation is gone? And how about all the other symptoms?

Do you know how many Eagle surgeries the doctors have done in the past?

Thanks in advance and good recovery :slight_smile:

The feeling of swallowing is nearly perfekt. The doctor told me that one piece was quite directly in position to make problems in the area. My arm ist getting better, but I have still some problems with lifting my arm. I have also a bit burning feeling like stitches in the right side my face? Maybe nerve irritation or still hurts from surgery. We will see.

I think Dr. Heim might operated about 10 or more, he has experience, but I dont know the exact number.

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Was it easy for you to convince them to do the surgery?
Did they seem interested in Eagle’s Syndrome?
I just want to make sure that they are interested in my case. Lots of doctors react very harsh when you tell them you probably have Eagles.

Hello again,

no it wasnt easy,i needed to tell them three times and more. but if you tell them the syndroms who are very common DO THAT EVEN IF YOU HAVENT ONE OF THOSE SYNDROMS, and your CT will show mega styloids or calcifications, you can be 90% sure they will operate, not 100% because i dont know which doctor will make the pre meeting with you.

greets rene


My surgeon at Baylor in Houston was awesome! His excitement about the surgery went above and beyond my expectations. They treated me like a queen and I was the talk of the pre-op surgical area with every resident trying to trade and bargain for the chance to scrub in for my styloidectomy. Naturally the chief resident won. :mask:
Having an ENT surgeon that is truly dedicated to being the best and doesn’t back down with challenging diagnoses is crucial. Having a great hospital is equally as important. It doesn’t matter how awesome your doctor is if he doesn’t have a great team to help in surgery and the facility in which to do it. The plastic surgeon there was the best(my scars are barely visible if you want me to show any pics). Vascular surgeons, neurosurgeons…they were all close by and ready. Right before I went under, I told them I wanted that d@#$ styloid in a jar for me to take home…and I got it!
Two months later…same scenario…but I let the chief resident have the bone😛

Do You have pics?

Hi Candy-mac, really sorry to hear that your styloids have grown back and your now suffering from noise sensitivity. I have that as well, not as extreme but find I cannot tolerate loud noises as much as I use too. Your surgeon and his team sound wonderful. Could you please share the band of your surgeon? I wish you all the best for your surgery and a speedy recovery xx

Thank you for the great report Candy-mac! So glad to hear about your excellent outcome. My diagnosing ENT doc felt the same way! He was super excited about the diagnosis & the potential of getting to operate. I disappointed him though & went w/ a different surgeon as his surgical approach didn’t make as much sense to me. I have felt slightly guilty ever since but have no regrets for taking the path I chose. I asked for my styloid (ea. time) & was denied. In California they have to send them off to a lab. I did get to see the second one before it disappeared into the abyss & my sister quietly took a pic of it. :sweat_smile:

It’s just plain bad luck that I don’t have the bone or a pic. The digital age has a down side when you don’t back up your pictures before doing a hard reset of the device. My bad😞
My GP/Lyme doctor was so excited about learning a new medical condition. I felt like my styloid bone and I were in a 3rd grade show and tell. He took the bone to every doc in the building and I haven’t seen it since. I took it so he would do a PCR test for Lyme on it. My rationalization being that I was perfectly healthy and athletic until Lyme disease at 30yr. With all the co-infections that come with it, especially viral,I’m wanting to test the theory that Eagle possibly could come about via cooties from Lyme. I just don’t believe in coincidences.
Since they have regrown rapidly, it looks like I’ll have a few more bones down the line pretty soon.
My surgeon is on the list. From Houston Tx at Baylor medical Center. Didn’t know if I was allowed to give his name.
Surgery went great in 2015 and I plan to stick with him for this next round. I’m pretty sure the re-calcification is a rare thing. Any others have rapid re-growth?

P.S. I’m a believer in the extraoral surgery opposed to intraoral

Wow. I guess it matters who you see in that group. I specifically asked for a vascular surgeon to be present and was denied that. I was also told that I would have the intraoral surgery, which I felt was going to be more risky. I wasn’t able to see the same surgeon that’s on the doctor’s list :slightly_frowning_face:. But, so far I’m very happy with Dr. Samji’s work.


Somehow I missed this post from more than a year ago. Hopefully you still receive these emails.

I’m sorry you’ve experienced regrowth. Have you had another round of surgeries? I also vote for external surgery as being the best approach, but it’s not for everyone & some people don’t have access to a surgeon who’ll do external surgery. Hopefully you’re on the mend by now & out of pain, again.

Please do give us the name of your surgeon if you haven’t already. We’re always on the lookout for good ES surgeons.