My doctor gave me little to no advice post surgery. I have questions about aftercare that nurses gave conflicting info about because the doctor never talked to me nor my family. Just a 30 second it’s done call to my bf
How long did you leave your gauze on over the incision?
How long did you wear your chin bra?
When do I remove the little tape strip over the incision?
What did you wash your incision with?
How often did you wash it?
Did you use antibiotic ointment more than you washed it?
How did you keep it dry in the shower?
How long did you clean it?
These are all I can think of now. If anyone has any other advice I would appreciate it. I feel so in the dark.
Edit: also I am having nerve pain along the front of my throat and neck. Is this a normal occurrence post surgery?
@dontdillydanie I hope your surgery went well. Mine is tomorrow so I can’t share my aftercare instructions yet. I do know that you don’t want to get the incision wet for several days while it is healing. There is a 3M product called Tegraderm that is a clear waterproof dressing you can put over the incision to keep it watertight while you shower. I hope that’s useful. I can post again after I get my instructions.
I’m glad that you’re through your surgery, and hope that you’ll soon feel the benefits. Not great aftercare though! think that the neck bra should be helpful for the first 24-48 hours, it depends on the swelling though. If you ice regularly as well, wrap the pack in a towel and I wouldn’t put it directly on the wound. Don’t get the wound wet for a week I think, leave the tape on as well…I showered with a hand held shower avoiding the area, & there are dry shampoo products you can use so you don’t get the incision wet depending on where it is, or get someone to help you if you can lean over a basin.
Have you got a contact number for the nursing team to ring and check for advice?
Sending you a hug, and hope that you heal well
Thank you so much for your response. The after care was abysmal. The dry shampoo is a good idea. Did you use antibiotic ointment for the first week is was dry?
Also, did you have nerve pain in the front of your neck post surgery? Mine is right above the collarbone on both sides.
I didn’t use any antibiotic ointment, it healed okay naturally, & once healed over I used a scar oil to massage the area, that was after a couple of weeks though. My neck was uncomfortable all over if I remember right, and very stiff to turn, not really nerve pain, but my incisions were behind my ears, so probably in a different place to yours…
@dontdillydanie - Nerve pain, even new nerve pain, is common after ES surgery because nerves sometimes need to be gently moved out of the way so the styloid can be shortened, & that is irritating to them. Using ice (15 min on & 45 min off) as @Jules suggested can help calm the nerves & taking your prescribed pain meds should also help reduce pain. Post op nerve pain can come & go for several months & new pain can crop up as nerve healing can also be painful i.e. burning, pressure, “lightning” zaps, tingling, feeling cool or warm/hot, pins & needles, etc. Though these aren’t comfy feelings, they are a good sign that injured nerves are waking up & getting better. Sleeping on a wedge pillow w/ your head elevated to around 30º can also be helpful in reducing inflammation which helps reduce pain.
As mentioned above, it’s best to leave your incision alone until it’s mostly healed 2-4 weeks post op. Most doctors say to let the steri-strips over the incision fall off on their own which also can take 2-3 weeks. Jules has given good advice re: showering & hair washing in the first post op week, also.
I’m glad your surgery is done & you’re on the healing end of things now!
Not much to add from my discharge today. Don’t soak the area, like taking a bath or swimming for a couple of weeks. Showering is okay but cover it with something like tegraderm. Don’t put any creams or lotions on the incision until it is healed (10-14 days, glue will flake off). As long as I’m swallowing well, no dietary restrictions. Activity as tolerated. Use ice regularly to reduce swelling as well as ibuprofen. That’s about all they told me.
How are you doing @dontdillydanie ? It’s been a few days now, so you could be in the ‘peak swelling time’, please don’t feel discouraged if you have a few bad days & feel like things have gone backwards, it will improve!
Honestly, I am doing better than before the surgery already. Only took Tylenol the first two days. No swelling. Minimal bruising. Minor nerve pain. Thank you so much for checking in.
Keep that ice coming, @Chrickychricky. I think it helped me more than the pain meds! I’m glad you only need Tylenol. I thought I had a high pain threshold until I had ES surgery.