Hi there! Im new here. Looking for success stories, and just wondering if anyones had treatment success for vascular compression without surgery? Ie. medication, physio, osteo, accupuncture, supplements, literally anything that worked for you without having to do surgery?
Unfortunately with ES, there are treatments which can help, but the only real ‘cure’ for it is to have surgery… There’s info in the treatment post in the Newbies Guide Section, basically steroid/ lidocaine injections into the tonsillar area can help with pain & inflammation, there are nerve pain meds which can help with nerve pain, and lidocaine patches sometimes help. Muscle relaxant meds can help break the cycle of pain- tense muscles- trapped nerves- more pain…
Some members have tried dry needling & acupuncture, anti inflammatory diets which can help too.
For vascular symptoms, if you have IJV compression members have been prescribed blood thinners/ anticoagulant meds which do help in some cases, like Plavix or Brilinta (?sp?); there have been some discussions about that you could search for too. And poor posture can make the head go forward , like hunched over a computer screen for example, so improving that can help alter the position of the styloids enough to ease a bit of the compression. Quite a few members have military neck, where the neck has lost it’s natural curve & this can make ES symptoms worse; there are exercises you can do to improve this, @vdm did a post called 'list of my favourite resources ’ where this is explained & exercises to help are suggested… Some members have instability & having C1 adjustments has helped temporarily, but if you saw someone for that they would need to be very knowledgeable about ES as this could make it worse otherwise.
Prolotherapy has been tried by quite a few members but this rarely helps.
A bit of info for you to look into!