Updates on Dr. Heim?

Just to chime in with a more recent experience - I had a virtual consul with Dr Heim about a month ago, in early December. He was excellent - empathetic and thorough. I have not yet received the written report from him. However, I haven’t paid yet either. I initially asked how to pay before the appointment and he said I could do it afterwards. At the end of the appointment I asked again and he said he’d send the payment info with the report. I emailed a few days ago to ask about the status of the report and remind him to send payment info (in case he forgot what he told me and was waiting for me to pay first or something). So it seems the long wait time for the report or even ghosting of patients may be a pattern, but the fact that he hasn’t pushed me for payment at all makes it seem like it isn’t a money-driven endeavor. I don’t know. All very odd. Will update if (hopefully when) I get my report.